
Morning Light - iphone 14 Plus 26mm f1.5 Noir

I’m writing today as we all collectively watch the horrible fires happening in California. I am quietly going about my day today but with a bit of steel in my spine. I am quieter. I am steadier. I am grateful beyond measure for all that I have and still have and needed to make sure I documented this feeling in this moment. I’m preparing after several days of snow clean up here in Northern Virginia to try to head back to the studio. Time to make art. Time to channel the energy of helplessness, sorrow, grief, and all that follows along for the ride through my human circuitry up and out of myself by way of creative forms. In moments where I don’t know what to do with my emotions this is how my mind and body process them, by making. I have to do something with my brain and hands. So I’m going to to the studio and getting into it. I’m not sure what will come of it today, but I do know I’ve got a lot on my plate right now so there’s no room for rabbit holes. We know there are already ways to contribute to communities but one that I always start with is World Central Kitchen. If you feel so inclined here’s a link to their site.

One of the portions on my plate currently is the decision to blog more. I’m concerned about the direction social media platforms are going and the best way to communicate with people who follow me and my art is to utilize my site and the voice that I have, however muffled it gets amid the many out there. It matters and I’m still here. I want to channel more of what I’m doing into not only my visual art but also into writing because it’s also a great way to get clear about things. The written word, what a concept. I’m no Sedaris but I can type so get ready.

While it feels weird to share good news, we still need to hear it as it’s a pathway back towards hope so I’m sharing this. With the chaos of the holidays I forgot to share that I was interviewed by Canvas Rebel Magazine. They are an online platform highlighting creatives and entrepreneurs who are within every community but not yet in the spotlight. I’m honored to have been included in their roster and you can read the article by clicking on the image below.

Amy Bruce Studios - Canvas Rebel Link

The idea of creating content that is video based with my face in it scares me beyond measure. I’m a behind the camera kind girl. But I do think a gentle shift more into blogging and dare I say, vlogging could be in my future. I love a good voice over. For now I’m going to put down more here and will utilize email, Instagram and Bluesky to communicate. And if you’re reading this but not subscribed to my actual newsletter, which will now be a synopsis of what the months writings will be, click on the “Subscribe” button at the top menu and you can enter your details. I’m really glad you’re here.


Coffeeshop Dispatch Vol. 1


New Year, New Class, New Work, oh my!