Coffeeshop Dispatch Vol. 1

I’m finally writing today from a new coffeeshop in my neck of the woods here in Northern Virginia and it’s pretty excellent. Foundation Coffee Roasters is a Korean owned business in Fairfax behind Fair City Mall. It’s bright and modern with an industrial yet warm design, stellar coffee and even more stellar pastries! Highly recommend. I am calling this blog post Coffeeshop Dispatch because it’s usually where I write my newsletters as it’s an integral part of my creative process. Having a Third Space, a place other than work or home to process life is really important. It’s also an access point to your community which is also so incredibly important especially with that state of the world right now. Living in an area where so many people’s lives have been so harshly disrupted by the current administration is alarming and I have yet to speak to a friend who doesn’t know someone affected. I’m just trying to keep my chin up, stay as healthy as possible and help where I can. February was more of a whirlwind than anticipated so lets catch up.

INTERSTICES Show- Amy Bruce 2025

My show at The Workhouse went incredibly well! I was so touched at all the friends who came to support me & am so very grateful! This has been a long time coming, to be able to both have a solo show and have it be all new work. I started these pieces in August of 2024 and to see them all come to fruition is very fulfilling. I’m hoping to be able to submit them to other shows this year but in the meantime they are all for sale and display at Bldg 6 in the Gallery and just outside my studio. Prices are being updated here on my site this week.

Now that we are in the last month of the 1st quarter of the year I decided March was a good time to reset. The studio needed a good clean up after prepping for the show & my workflow has changed too so I updated the space to suit both how I work & what items are available for purchase. It’s going to change again because I’m so adhd, no joke ! But it keeps things interesting! I also needed to just catch up on life stuff, dr appointments, a haircut, ya know…the being human stuff we ignore until it gets dicey. Thankfully I haven’t devolved into full on pandemic hair yet.

Art in the Attic Market

4/12 from 6-10pm

Now that I’ve got a grip on things a little, I’ve got some cool events planned for April & May. On Saturday April 12th I’m “Tabling” as a vendor at Art In The Attic, an Art Market put on by Madison Street Tattoos in Old Towne Alexandria. The show runs from 6 to 10 pm upstairs at their studio, 1012 Madison St. More info to come in my stories because I’m pricing stuff to sell!!!

Workshop Announcement :

Mixed Media Collage & Alternative Bookmaking

I’m also teaching two more workshops at The Workhouse. Alternative Bookmaking in April & Mixed Media Collage in May. Check them out by clicking the photo as well as in my stories on Instagram!

