New work & new goals and a little break.
Welp, I finished it! I finished the 100 Day Project and feel really excited about the work I created. Since starting this creative practice in 2017 I’ve found it to be really valuable to my creative practice as both generative and restorative. The time frame is great because it’s not right after a busy holiday season so you have a moment to exhale, but early enough in the year that it gives you a pace to lean into for the first quarter and then by April, you’ve got a huge pile of work to consider and reflect on over the summer. Which is exactly what I’m planning to do. I’ve managed to start the sorting process after putting them all together to find patterns. I’ve got a few themes forming and have printed small “Artist Proofs” which I’ll have available this weekend at the Canal Center Art Market on Saturday 6/15 from 1-6pm. I’ll be working on creating some one of a kind pieces with some images and getting some into print collections that I’ll be releasing for pre-order as the summer closes so stay tuned.
The summer is an interesting time especially now that I’m not having to abide by a teaching schedule. I’ve happily leaned into my own pace over the past year and have adapted to the muscle memory of lesson planning to my creative practice in that I now see the whole year in quarters just shifted from academic to tax-based! While it’s necessary for business purposes it’s extremely helpful when laying out my scattered goals and project ideas as well as planning ahead for shows or any applications I may submit. It’s been a LOT of new information to navigate with various deadlines hitting throughout the year but I’m gradually getting a handle on some kind of rhythm. I’m grateful for both the time to learn new things and the fact that I have flexibility in my approach which frankly is pretty slow compared to many but I’d like to think steady. I’m not interested in the grind anymore and my goal is to create a practice and business that is both sustainable and manageable. So with that I’m going to be taking a little step away from screens for the month of July and most of August. I’ve applied to several shows and residencies and have my biggest show of the year to prepare for in October (Yep, Art On The Avenue! But more on that to come!) so if there was ever a time to take a break it’s now. I’ll be sending a mini update for July and will see where the rest of the summer takes me. For now, thank you for being here and I hope to see some of you this weekend!