Time for a change

I woke up today to a tornado warning. It was remnants of Hurricane Debby blowing into town and it was freakishly dark outside at 8 am still. I was really surprised at how dark actually. The rain started and while thankfully no tornadoes touched down it was an eerie way to head into what is kinda the unofficial last weekend of the summer since teacher return next week. (Some muscle memory will never fade!) It was also a reminder of how quickly things can shift and change.

  • This particular weekend also marks my crossover into my second year after leaving teaching and it’s been a busy year with a lot of realizations. Main one being, I need more room to work. So it’s kind surreal that next week I will be signing a contract for a new studio! I’m officially joining the Lorton Workhouse and will have a studio on campus for the next year. I’m going to see my new space next week and my hope is I will be able to move in soon thereafter, like next week! But however soon I move in I want to try and take everybody along with me as I build this new studio space out. I have NO IDEA how this will go since I’m terrible at remembering to film stuff 😄but I’m going to try. The process is also going to force a major clear out of my place & my storage unit so I’m going to be doing some Flash Sales on my Instagram as a way to make room for new work so keep an eye out for weekly posts in my feed & stories.

Still working on a site update amid all this change but first things first. For now I’ll keep this post short and sweet. More coming as I get the keys!


News from my STUDIO!!! (I've waited so long to say that!:)

