Oh, thank God it’s SWEATAH WEATHAH!!! :) After a way too humid classroom because we started school in AUGUST!!! (Don’t get me started) I’m finally feeling like I can exhale a little bit. Reason? I finally have a little bit of a pace going at school so it’s not so overwhelming. (Mental Health, ya’ll!) But because of the intensity that the start of the school year brings, especially after the past few years of chaos, the plans I have for my site updates have been a littttttle delayed…eeek! I’ve got SO MUCH WORK TO SHARE WITH YOU!!! Just need some more time to get things ready as I’m actually learning how to do this in between the full time gig until THIS becomes my fulltime gig. Hopefully soon.
Until then, I’ll be continuing to use Instagram & Facebook as a means of sharing my work and happenings. I have a linktree in my bio that sends you to all the places so check it out when you can.
UPDATE #1! So, the other news that’s up is that Art On The Avenue was POSTPONED due to Hurricane Ian rolling in and possibly soaking us and/or blowing us away. It was a crappy wknd so a good decision on part of the organizers. The rescheduled date is planned for SATURDAY NOVEMEBER 12TH FROM 10-6PM. I’ll be posting reminders as we get close again, but for now mark you calendars again…and maybe find your mittens too! :) I’ll be at booth W20 & if you’re interested in getting a coupon for a free gift CLICK HERE!
UPDATE #2! I am happy to be participating in the RECENT WORKS Exhibit again at the Fairfax Railroad Museum next wknd. The opening reception is Friday, October 14th from 4pm to 8pm and then all day Saturday October 15th from 12 to 7pm. I’ll be there Saturday at 1pm till close so hope to see any local peeps there! There are several new artist joining and it’s going to be an amazing show!