Image Transfers and cool weather, FINALLY!

The air is finally getting cool. Finally. It’s a welcome reprieve from a swirling around everywhere. Everywhere. Yesterday and today it became overcast and cooler and I absolutely love it. I needed it. We all did. I know this season helps to ground me in a lot of ways. It’s my busy season with school starting but I’m learning to balance that with walks outside and quiet time making stuff. I think that balance is going to work well this year because it leaves space for spontaneous fun stuff!

Saturday morning have turned out being a main time for making time. I’ve managed to hone in on a good set up in my work space that definitely gets me pumped to get to it! So I have a bunch of different projects I’m lining up to work on this season and want to start sharing more and more. Today I tested some image transfers using pages from a magazine and packaging tape. I made a little video of the process for you! I will post what this turns into if anything in the coming days…I’m thinking a journal entry or journal cover…we shall see. All of this is getting me primed for the release of this years 21 Secrets Paper,Glue,Scissors on October 29th! (Click here to pre-order!!!) I’m hopeful to be able to connect with people on the FB page and see what everyone is up to! Until then, enjoy and find your balance this wknd. xo~


Walking, breathing and, "....blowing the stink off" things.


Things are HAPPENING!!!